Age/Grade: Elementary 3

3rd-5th Grade, 9-11 Years

Drawing Movement

This local New York City school used Keith Haring's art to inspire a lesson on expressing movement in drawing.

Haring All Over

A lesson that focuses on pattern and design through line and color. The teacher, a fellow Haring fan, used many of the images on our site to inspire her students. The finished products were photographed and made into a book.

Add a Page to Love

Using Keith Haring's book, LOVE, as a stepping stone, students are asked to create their own page to express love while challenging their use of color.

Graffiti Project

Graffiti Project

A combined dance/visual art week long project, accompanied with live music and ending with a sharing, for students on the autistic spectrum.

Decoding Haring’s Symbols

A lesson in yarn painting sent in by a teacher from New Jersey. Support tools such as the video, "Drawing the Line: a Portrait of Keith Haring" were used and discussed.


A lesson that allows students to design a symbol and challenges them to transform their designs into sculpture & wearable art.

Marbling a la Haring

Using the process of paper marbling, this teacher has found a way to help students deconstruct and compose their own abstract compositions.

Monkey Puzzle

This lesson was produced by a university student majoring in Primary Education. The children will learn about Keith Haring and his work and create inspired work in different materials.