Materials: Oil Pastels

Drawing Movement

This local New York City school used Keith Haring's art to inspire a lesson on expressing movement in drawing.

Add a Page to Love

Using Keith Haring's book, LOVE, as a stepping stone, students are asked to create their own page to express love while challenging their use of color.

Chalk Drawings

Chalk Drawings

Students from an elementary school in Tampa, Florida visited an exhibition of Keith Haring's work at the local Tampa Museum of Art and then made their own Haring-inspired work!

Subway Drawings & Semiotics

Subway Drawings & Semiotics

Using Haring's Subway Drawings as a starting point, this project emphasizes the use of personal icons and symbols through traditional drawing as well as computer-generated graphics.

The Sky

Students will create images of the sky that convey their moods and feelings.

Self Portraits from the Future

Students will make craypa self portraits of what they might look like in 100 years.