Recent Lessons
- Keith Haring Murals in San Sebastián
- Keith Haring Murals
- Come To Know Keith Haring
- Organ Systems Mural
- City as Canvas: Artist Spotlight
- Printing with Objects
- Mural Making in the Style Of Keith Haring
- Subway Graffiti Project
- T-shirt Designer
- Keith Haring Semiotics Poster
- Introducing Keith Haring
- Discovering Keith Haring
- Haring Inspired Mural
- All Bottled Up!
- Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
More Resources
Recent Comments
- Daniel Wiener on Symbols & Signs
- Victoria E Sylvestre on Symbols & Signs
- Emoji: Modern Symbol Communication | OH THE ART PLACES WE CAN GO on Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
- coco on Keith Haring Biography
- Crack is Wack II | Muros hablados on Studying Mural: “Crack is Wack”
Subject: Multi-Media
Printing with Objects

6 PMLD students aged from 12 to 17 used objects with different textures or filled with different textures to print paint onto figures for a classroom display inspired by Keith Haring. They also created the background black paint dabbing brushes in a rhythm.
T-shirt Designer

Taking on the role of a t-shirt designer— “Keith Haring Style”
The lesson's goal was for students to pretend that they were “reopening” the Pop Shop in NYC that closed in 2005. They were given the challenge to design and showcase new and improved t-shirts that were marketable to sell. They could use any surface application such as dyeing, bleaching, and fabric paint to accomplish the task and it had to be wearable!
Keith Haring Semiotics Poster

This lesson introduces students to the work of Keith Haring, focusing on his semiotic messages. Students have to create their own semiotic symbols to communicate a positive message that is important in their lives.
Discovering Keith Haring

We started browsing your website.We have tried to work in parallel with subjects such as computer science, English, Italian and arte.We have observed the works of Keith, places of production. The children told their feelings, their emotions and interpretations. Haring's works have "hit" the eyes and hearts of the students. Then they tried to make ... And they found that forms, seemingly simple, are complex, well proportioned and exceptionally expressive, but not easy to play.The kids have read the image of some works, they wanted to identify themselves and give their shape and finally have produced a poster that represents their stay and live at school ... to grow and learn together!
Empowering “Crack Is Wack” Mural

Art activities incorporated in the process of creating a Keith Haring inspired mural that went up the walls, on the windows and over the doors. This mural expanded upon the dangers of drugs and abuse.
Musical Collages

Toddlers and preschoolers were introduced to Keith Haring by reading the book Pop Warhol's Top by Julie Appel and Amy Guglielmo and looking at photos of Keith Haring and his artworks. Afterwards, the children used various materials to make their own musical mixed media collages.
Environmentally Friendly Fence

We loved learning about Keith Haring.
Room 8 and 9 painted the fence outside our classrooms using Keith Haring images. We wrote environmentally friendly messages inside our shapes as part of our environmental project this year. Our yearly calendars were also based around Keith Haring.
Graffiti Art

Students learn about Keith Haring and graffiti art then they make their own work on a vinyl tarp inspired by his style.
Drawing with Wire

Students at PS183 in New York, learn how to draw with wire, as part of the bodies in motion workshop